When the weather starts to get chilly and winter’s around the corner, you don’t stop eating, do you?
In fact, if we’re all honest, we might start eating more.
It’s chili and cornbread season. Caramel apples, yum. Football game snacks, pass the nachos.
Your lawn isn’t done eating, either. As it gets ready to hunker down for the long, cold winter, it needs an extra food boost.It’s called winterizer fertilizer. And it’s an important part of your seasonal lawn care in Eau Claire, WI and Minneapolis.
Put down the pumpkin bread and let’s take a look.
1. What is a Lawn Winterizer?
Winterizer is one term for the final fertilizer application of the season. Not everybody calls it that.
Here at RainMaster, we don’t refer to it specifically as “winterizer,” but we absolutely believe in the value of a final fertilizer boost for your lawn as cold weather sets in.
2. Why Is Winterizer Fertilizer for Lawns Important?
Your lawn has had a challenging summer, hanging tough through heat and drought, fighting for space with weeds, maybe enduring insect or disease damage. Phew!
Those turf roots are still hungry. When you fertilize in the fall you give those roots nutrients to grow nice and deep now, with some left over for a healthy start next spring.
Winterizer fertilizer helps the roots of your lawn absorb and store nutrients. Sure, the weather has turned chilly, but grass roots continue to grow until the ground freezes. These nutrients are stored and ready to go, so when spring finally shows up and everybody starts cheering, your lawn hits the ground running, green and healthy.
3. How Is Winterizer Different Than Other Fertilizer Applications?
Here at RainMaster, our last fertilizer application of the year includes more potassium to drive root health, so your lawn comes back green and healthy in the spring.
4. When to Apply Winterizer Fertilizer?
Late fall is the time for winterizer fertilizer for lawns, about three weeks before the ground freezes.
Don’t wait too late. If the ground is already frozen, it won’t do any good.
5. What Do I Need to Do to Get Winterizer Fertilizer?
If you’re already a RainMaster customer, you’re all set. The final fertilizer for the season is included in your lawn care program. Not a customer yet? Your lawn is just getting hungrier.
Questions About Winterizer Fertilizer for Lawns? Ask RainMaster
When you’re snuggled on the couch under four blankets with a big plate of nachos, wouldn’t it feel great to know your lawn has been fed, too? It’s only fair, right?
Spend winter knowing you’ve invested in a complete, proactive lawn care program to continuously improve and protect your lawn.
Looking for lawn care in Eau Claire, WI and Minneapolis? Let’s create a custom nutrition plan for your lawn, so the roots will be nourished, the soil packed with nutrients, and your grass so thick and healthy, lawn weeds will have a tough fight ahead.
You choose from three different levels of lawn care programs at RainMaster, based on the results you’d like, how fast you want to see results, and your budget.
- Luscious Lawn is a high-end, proactive program that will promote amazing lawn care results. This is the program to choose for the quickest and best results, particularly if your lawn needs a lot of help.
- Terrific Turf, a mid-level option, is our most popular program to grow a thick, green lawn and deal with most challenges.
- Healthy Habitat is a basic plan that includes the elements you need for a better lawn.
When you’re ready to put your trust in us, we can’t wait to meet you — and help you make the best choices for your lawn.
Want to rest easy this winter, knowing your lawn is healthy and ready for spring? Request a quote today! We’ll review your lawn care options together so you can make a great choice. Then, you can finally enjoy watching your lawn transform and stop worrying about it.
Image | Grass in Snow