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Can Lawn Care Programs Control Canadian Thistle In Your Lawn?


There are quite a few things you’d rather not see in your yard. Moles. Wasps. Anybody with a clipboard about to ring your doorbell.

And Canadian Thistle is right up there on the list.

One of the prickliest, most stubborn, confounding weeds, Canadian Thistle is bad news on multiple levels.

How to get rid of Canadian Thistle? It’s not easy.

Let’s take a look.

First, Who is This Weed Villain?

Canadian Thistle is an invasive perennial weed that’s a real challenge to get rid of, and a real pain to handle.

Its deeply-lobed, spear-like leaves have sharp prickly barbs on them. You don’t want to pull on this weed with your bare hands.

Canadian Thistle (Cirsium arvense) CC

It can grow up to five feet tall and if allowed to go to flower, the flower is a purple pom-pom produced in clusters at the top of the plant.

The flowers are actually pretty, and attract bees and butterflies. But these pollinators are the only ones who like this dastardly weed.

It’s a perennial plant, which means it comes back every spring. And it’s super tenacious, so thistle in lawns can become a real nuisance. Once Canadian Thistle gains a foothold in your lawn, it spreads fast.

It has a super strong root system that’s actually double trouble.

Vertical roots burrow deep into the soil as far as six feet, taking a firm hold. Meanwhile, creeping roots called rhizomes grow sideways 12 to 18 inches underground, that grow as much as 12 feet a year, enabling thistle in lawns to rapidly spread.

Read Our Guide to Lawn Care in Minnesota & Wisconsin

But there’s more trouble. Those pretty purple flowers can distribute as many as 5,000 seeds on the breeze that happily become more weeds. And those seeds can hang out in the soil for up to 20 years, just waiting to sprout when conditions are right.


How to Kill Canadian Thistle?  

It’s tempting to take a flamethrower to your lawn or bulldoze your entire yard or douse the whole place with weed killer and cross your fingers.

But is there a way to kill thistle without killing your lawn?

Yes, but you need professional-level weed control products designed for the toughest weeds like Canadian Thistle. DIY products won’t touch this one.

lawn care technician spot-spraying a lawn to control weeds

Professionals typically use a product that contains either triclopyr or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D for short).

RainMaster pros use a product containing 2, 4-d that controls thistle, especially the thistle that typically shows up in a residential lawn.

Triclopyr is great at controlling Canadian Thistle invading hardy/woody plants.

Unlike weed killer that takes out everything it touches, including the surrounding lawn, these products for Canadian Thistle control are selective herbicides, designed to kill only the broadleaf weeds they touch, and not the surrounding turf.

Clobbering thistle in lawns with a broadleaf herbicide usually does the job. But you’ll need to summon your patience. Professionals have access to stronger herbicides than homeowners do, but even their professional approach often takes repeated treatments to knock it out.

Remember - those long roots and invasive rhizomes do most of their work underground.

It’s not about how fast we knock those weeds down. It’s about knocking them out for good.

Does Pre-Emergent Weed Control Help?

If you’ve hung out here with us at all, you probably know about the value of pre-emergent herbicides to help prevent certain weeds, especially crabgrass.

lawn team liquid 408

Can a pre-emergent help prevent Canadian Thistle? No such luck. Pre-emergent treatments are designed to prevent seeds from germinating. But Canadian Thistle is a perennial that returns yearly from the same root system, so pre-emergent herbicide won’t do the trick.

Pro tip: a thick layer of mulch helps prevents germination of new thistle in planting beds — it makes it tougher for those 5,000 seeds to get contact with bare soil.

Canadian Thistle Control: It Hates a Healthy Lawn

Preventing weeds like Canadian Thistle is easier than getting rid of them. And a thick, healthy lawn is the best way to prevent weeds.

What can you do for Canadian Thistle control?

Invest in a complete, proactive program of lawn care & weed control in Minneapolis, MN & Eau Claire, WI that not just targets weeds from early spring to late fall, but boosts your lawn year-round so it’s thick, healthy and can stand up to weeds.

lawn care technician filling a lawn spreader with grass seed

Canadian Thistle loves to take over bare spots in lawns, so keeping your lawn thick and healthy is key.

Battling Canadian Thistle in Your Lawn? RainMaster Can Help

You want a healthy lawn with fewer weeds. That’s what we want, too.

Consider it a team effort. Let’s create a custom nutrition plan for your lawn, so the roots will be nourished, the soil packed with nutrients, and your grass so thick and healthy, weeds like Canadian Thistle will have a tough fight ahead of them.

But if they do show up, we’re ready.

Are you ready to stop battling lawn weeds? Request a quote today! We’ll review your options together so you can make a great choice. Then, you can finally enjoy your lawn and stop worrying about it.

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Image Source | Canadian Thistle

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