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5 Ways a Landscape Spring Cleanup Will Benefit Your Eau Claire, WI Lawn & Landscape


When you live in Wisconsin or Minnesota, you have your spring checklist ready the minute the snow starts to melt:

  1. Put on shorts as soon as the temperature hits 47.
  2. Burn the ice scraper.
  3. Sit on the deck barefoot with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s.

Hmmmm. We don’t see “spring landscape cleanup” on there.

Way to harsh your joyous spring vibe, right? Sorry.

But a couple hours with the rake and some work gloves now will really pay off later as you enjoy your healthy, thriving lawn. Put on some shorts and take a look:

Spring Landscape Cleanup: Time to Tidy

Winter really knows how to leave a mess, right? Spring means it’s time to clean it up.

Clear your lawn of any debris, from stray litter to old leaves to branches that fell during the winter.

rake with a pile of leaves on lawn

Gently rake up the leftover matted leaves and debris. Loosen the soil a bit so your grass can breathe and grow.  If the ground is still moist, be careful when raking so that you don’t uproot your tender turf.

This is also a good time to remove any areas of grass damaged by salt or plows, to prepare for the seeding that should follow in a few weeks.

So, how does spring leaf clean up benefit your lawn and landscape?

Lots of ways:

1. Your Lawn Needs to Breathe

If you leave that mess of grass clippings, soggy leaves, and gross garden gunk on your lawn, your nice green grass will weaken, and maybe even die. It needs sunlight and oxygen to thrive.

2. It Clears the Way for Crabgrass Control

Spring leaf cleanup ensures a nice clean lawn when it’s time to apply crabgrass pre-emergent. And there’s no time to spare.

Crabgrass along edge of pavement

This timing is crucial. You want to target those weed seeds as they germinate and take root in the soil so they don’t become more seed-producing plants.

Here at RainMaster, you get two crabgrass treatments — one in early spring and another in late spring. This extends protection.

3. Gear Up for Grubs

Ditto for grub control — you want your lawn to be free of gunk so your grub prevention can get right to work. That means timely spring landscape cleanup before grub season.

The key to controlling grubs is to prevent them before they hatch and begin to cause damage to your lawn. Serious damage.

lawn grub closeup in soil

Grubs feed on grass roots and organic matter in the soil, causing sections of grass in the lawn to die. They essentially eat the roots right out from under the grass.

How can you tell if you have grubs? Look for these telltale signs:

  • Raccoons, skunks, and birds rummaging in your yard. Apparently, grubs are delicious.
  • Grab a handful of your lawn and tug. If it rolls up like loose carpet, you probably have grubs. They eat the roots holding the turf firmly in place on the soil.
  • Walk on your lawn. If it feels spongy, you could have grubs.

At RainMaster, you get bee-safe Grub Guard right away in the spring during our first visit. Then, you’re all set. This material lasts throughout the entire growing season. And it doesn’t kill bees like the cheaper products many other companies use.

4. Bye, Biting Pests

You know who loves a messy yard filled with yucky old damp leaves and yard debris?

Mosquitoes and ticks. That’s why mosquito and tick control services especially target damp leafy areas.

Get rid of the gunk so you’re not encouraging these backyard invaders to move in and start breeding.

lawn team mosquito control 363

Do your part with spring landscape cleanup, then enlist the help of professionals who spray every shady nook and cranny where the pests hang out.

RainMaster’s barrier spray reduces mosquitoes and ticks on your property all season long, with regular visits every three weeks.

5. It’s Irrigation Season

Ready for spring start up? Not if your irrigation heads are clogged with gross debris.

Spring irrigation activation happens between mid-April and the end of May, depending on the weather.

Winter is long here in Wisconsin and Minnesota, and all irrigation systems need attention. Approximately 80 percent of them need at least a minor repair after winter.

irrigation technician testing and calibrating a lawn sprinkler system

Spring landscape cleanup clears the way for a thorough inspection.

Once you’ve cleared away the soggy debris and matted grass, you can get a good look at your sprinkler heads.

Did the ground’s freezing and thawing nudge any out of whack? You don’t want them spraying your driveway instead of your lawn.

Are any heads damaged from those hard- working snowplows?

If you have a rain sensor, make sure it’s clear and not obstructed by debris. Check the batteries, too.

Or, better yet, once you’ve tackled your spring landscape cleanup, leave all those time-consuming irrigation startup chores to RainMaster.

Spring sprinkler system activation is part of our comprehensive irrigation maintenance programs.

Read Our Guide to Lawn Care in Minnesota & Wisconsin

We’ll inspect all your irrigation system components, adjust your controller, test everything to make sure it’s all running smoothly, and make any necessary adjustments.

Any leaks, tweaks, or problems after the long winter? No worries.

Trust Your Spring Lawn Care to RainMaster

Once you tackle that spring landscape cleanup, will you really feel like facing another long spring gardening checklist?

No, you won’t.

Here’s a spring landscaping tip: Leave the lawn seeding, the grub control, the crabgrass pre-emergent, the spring irrigation activation and the pest control to us.

Choose from three different levels of lawn care programs, based on the results you’d like, how fast you want to see results, and your budget.

When you’re ready to put your trust in us, we can’t wait to meet you — and help you make the best choices for your Eau Claire WI or Blaine NN lawn.

Want to hand over those pesky lawn care tasks and be confident about your choice for lawn care services? Request a quote today! We’ll review your lawn care options together so you can make a great choice. Then, you can finally enjoy your lawn and stop worrying about it.

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Image Source: Rake & Leaves, Grub

Topics: Lawn Care

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