Lawn Care Advice & Tips | RainMaster Lawn Systems

How to Keep Your Neighbor’s Weeds Out of Your Yard

Written by Kevin Buck | May 4, 2023 3:30:00 PM

Your neighbor brings you that great peanut butter fudge every Christmas, gets your mail when you’re away on vacation, and is pretty entertaining to watch every summer when he tries to inflate that swimming pool.

But man, the weeds! Your neighbor’s weeds are out of control. 

That means your weeds are out of control. 

How to keep your neighbor’s weeds out of your yard?

Take a break from that brick fortress you’re building and let’s take a look.

Create a Barrier

Think thick hedges or a solid wood fence. They can act as barriers to blowing seeds from weeds like dandelions.

Sure, the wind can blow seeds over the top, but barriers can stop some of the invaders. (Maybe leave a small hole in the fence just big enough to pass through peanut butter fudge.)

Use Pre-emergent Herbicide

How to prevent weeds from your neighbor’s yard?

The trick is to battle your neighbor’s weeds before they settle in at your place. It’s called pre-emergent, and it’s a crucial part of weed control.

Pre-emergent weed control is designed to target the weed seeds before they sprout.
Crabgrass is a great example of the need for pre-emergent.

It’s crucial to apply crabgrass pre-emergent in early spring to target those weed seeds as they germinate and take root in the soil — so they don’t become more seed-producing plants.

Otherwise, if your neighbor has crabgrass, you’ll have crabgrass.

Add Mulch or Rocks

Weed seeds love bare ground. It’s super easy for them to sprout there. 

So cover it up with landscape fabric and two to three inches of stone or wood chips.

Yes, weed seeds will occasionally still germinate in the mulch. But the landscape fabric makes it hard for them to send down roots, so you can easily pull them.

Have a Year-Round Battle Plan for Weeds

How to keep your neighbor’s weeds out of your yard?

Sorry, but there’s no quick fix. Weed control isn’t a one-time thing. It’s actually a continuous process.

Different lawn weeds here in Wisconsin and Minnesota are active at different times of the year. Many of the peskiest spring weeds actually germinate in the fall.

That’s why you need a complete, proactive lawn care program that includes both weed preventative and curative treatments from early spring to late fall.

Keep Your Lawn Thick and Healthy

How to keep your neighbor's weeds out of your yard? 

Keep your lawn thick and healthy so there are no enticing bare spots for weeds to settle in. 

A few key tips:

  • Mow high. Taller grass helps a lawn grow thicker. Mow too short, and the soil heats up, helping those pesky weed seeds to germinate.

  • Water properly. A lawn that’s too wet or too dry encourages weeds.

  • Get a plan. Invest in a complete, proactive lawn care program that includes not just weed prevention and control, but all the other elements your lawn needs to thrive, from fertilizer to aeration

How to Keep Your Neighbor’s Weeds Out of Your Yard? Trust RainMaster

While it’s totally fine if some of your neighbor’s peanut butter fudge ends up over at your place, his weeds aren’t welcome. 

When you’re choosing lawn care services in in Eau Claire, WI, and Minneapolis, realize that battling weeds throughout the seasons will be part of a great company’s plan for your lawn. 

Just as important is nourishing your lawn so it grows healthy and thick. A thick lawn can better crowd out those dastardly weeds.

Consider it a team effort. Let’s create a custom nutrition plan for your lawn, so the roots will be nourished, the soil packed with nutrients, and your grass so thick and healthy, your neighbor’s weeds will have a tough fight ahead of them.

But if they do show up, be ready.

At RainMaster, you choose from three different levels of lawn care programs, based on the results you’d like, how fast you want to see results, and your budget.

Are you ready to stop battling lawn weeds?  Request a quote today! We’ll review your options together so you can make a great choice. Then, you can finally enjoy your lawn and stop worrying about it.