Lawn Care Advice & Tips | RainMaster Lawn Systems

7 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Snow Removal Service in Minneapolis

Written by Kevin Buck | Nov 12, 2020 2:34:19 PM

If your first question is “why the heck do we get so much snow here?” well, we can’t help you.

Maybe because it’s Minnesota.

More importantly, what are you going to do about it?

Hire a snow removal service.

They all have plows. But the similarities often end there.

Here are some questions to ask to narrow in on the best snow removal service for your commercial property.

1. How Will You Meet My Unique Snow Removal & Plowing Needs?

Your commercial property isn’t just like everybody else’s. If an ice management and snow plowing service is willing to give you a quote without asking questions, it’s a bad sign.

Find out how your Minneapolis snow removal service will work with you to meet your specific needs.

Some businesses are closed on weekends, so Saturday snow and ice management is not a priority.

Some have parking lots full of cars at certain times.

Some have shifts coming and going 24 hours a day.

Make sure your snow removal service in Minneapolis caters to your property’s unique needs.

2. Do You Keep Records That Will Reduce My Liability?

This is a big one.

If somebody slips and falls on your property, there can be serious consequences for you. That cost can include legal costs, medical costs, potential insurance rate increases, plus workers’ compensation if an employee slips.

How can you prove you did everything possible, taking every precaution to make your property safe?

By hiring a snow plowing service that can help you prove it.
Are they keeping records of exactly when they were on your property and what weather conditions were that day?

At RainMaster, we do.

Our snow fighters clock in and out at your property, providing proof they were there. We can see via GPS tracking when we were there and what we did. All that information stays in our system.

3. How Can I Reach You?

All the plows, shovels, and brine in Minneapolis can’t make up for poor communication.

Ask about your Minneapolis snow removal service’s communication plan.

How will you be able to reach them? How will they reach out and communicate with you? Will they show up?

Some companies, when faced with a season with lots of snow, just stop showing up. They’re in over their head financially, so they pack it in.

Be sure your snow plowing service is in it for the long haul.

4. How Do You Care for the Environment?

Maybe this question hasn’t occurred to you. Your top concern is probably the safety and accessibility of your property.

But some snow and ice melt products are truly terrible for the environment.

Traditional rock salt makes its way into area lakes and streams, jeopardizing the creatures who live there.

Traditional salt can burn surrounding landscaping, too.

We use treated salt that’s less corrosive and much kinder to the environment.

Bonus: While standard rock salt only works when the temperature is above 15 degrees, our treated salt works at -20.

We also use brine, a liquid mixture of water and salt that’s sprayed on roads, parking lots and walkways, usually before a snow or ice storm to prevent snow and ice from sticking.

Brine uses a fraction of salt in comparison to traditional rock salt, so it’s much gentler to the environment.

Brine has other great qualities, too.

If it’s really cold, salt just lays on top of the snow and gets blown around. It takes a while to work. But brine is already in solution form, so as soon as crews spray, it gets to work.

Brine starts melting snow right away and keeps it from sticking around. That’s a huge safety bonus for your property. It helps us be proactive on your property — not just reactive.

Brine is easy to apply, too, and it doesn’t stick to shoes and boots and get tracked into buildings the way rock salt does.

5. Do You Clear Doors & Sidewalks?

Don’t assume this is part of your snow removal service company’s offerings.

Not all snow removal services in Minneapolis offer sidewalk, door, and step clearing.

RainMaster does.

Why is this important?

Not all properties can be safely cleared with a plow alone.

Sometimes hand shoveling is the only way to safely clear entrances, pathways, steps, and stairs.
Look for a snow plowing company that offers all the services your property needs.

6. Explain Your Snow Removal Services Pricing

This is trickier than it sounds.

Comparing prices for Minneapolis snow removal services is often like comparing apples and oranges.

Some places charge by the season, some by the number of visits, some by the amount of snow.

How are you supposed to budget?

At RainMaster, we’re aware of your budget concerns. We’re a business, too.

So you’ll know our pricing up front.

We use statistics from years of Minnesota snow data to predict a range of snowfall for the season, then we’ll suggest a cost to service your property.

And we use a third party weather service to certify snow totals, so everything is right up front.

We know you appreciate transparency.

7. Are You On Call 24/7?

You want to be able to peacefully sleep when the snow blows in during the night, confident that your snow removal service is on the job.

Rest easy. Our snow fighters are on call 24/7, executing the snow and ice removal plan we already put in place for you.

Need Snow Removal Services in Minneapolis? Trust RainMaster

When you start asking questions, make sure you get the right answers.

You want reliability. Peace of mind. A detailed plan. Reduced liability. Solid communication.

Our goal is to help you stop worrying and maintain a functional and safe commercial property.

When you’re ready to put your trust in us, we can’t wait to meet you — and help you make the best choices for your property.

Ready for dependable snow and ice management? Request a quote today! We’ll review your snow removal options together so you can make a great choice. Then, you can rest easy and stop worrying when the snow starts piling up.